First time getting your Astrological Birth (Natal) chart read?
A little unsure if this is for you?
No worries, you are in good hands with Momma T.
Did you know your Birth Chart is:
a snapshot of where the planets where located in the sky at the time of your birth,
your very own unique fingerprint that no one else shares,
the blueprint and roadmap for your life,
a key to harnessing your potential and becoming the driver in your life,
And the more you understand your chart, the more powerful you will feel as you journey through life?
What does an initial reading entail?
LENGTH: 1.5 hours (90 minutes)
In person, Cape Cod, MA or
Online via ZOOM
A Personal Overview
Your Focus for This Year Based on Numerology
Your Energy Profile Overview Based on: Elements, Modes, Human Design
Your Personality via The Big 3:
How your personality is informed by your Sun, Moon, & Rising Signs.
What stands out?​
What is ahead to know about?
Audio and Visual Recordings of session (if via Zoom)
Any pertinent notes & resources from Talitha
Six pages of cheat sheets to understand the language of Astrology
Copy of your Birth/Natal Chart
FEE: Sliding Scale $150-200
TO BOOK A SESSION, EMAIL: MommaTAstrology@gmail.com
You could spend your entire life diving into your astrological birth chart to better understand yourself, and many do. There are so many rich layers to pursue - like peeling back the layers of an onion. And there are so many trained Astrologers who have their special niche.
Here are some key topics I enjoy co-exploring with clients:​
How can I claim my personal power?
Where in my life will deep transformation take place?
Understanding the wounds that become our greatest gift or skill to offer others.
Lessons we are here to learn in this lifetime.
Our Soul's purpose or our calling in this lifetime.
Our previous lifetimes and what we can learn from them.
What type of work am I here to do, what is my impact/legacy?
What can I learn about my family of origin/early conditioning?
What can I learn about my creativity and self-expression?
We can also focus on specific time frames in your life to co-investigate:
Investigate Past events and learn what energetic dynamics were taking place to give you context and clarity to let go of situations where you may feel stuck.
Future Transits (looking ahead 6 or 12 months to see where the planets will be and how they will interact with your birth chart placements).
Once I work with a client in an initial birth chart session, I like to design the follow-up sessions around their interests, events or topics they want to explore more in-depth. If I feel others may have deeper knowledge and training astrologically, I will try and recommend colleagues with that niche.
LENGTH: 90 minutes
In person, Cape Cod, MA or
Online via ZOOM
Audio and Visual Recordings of session (if via Zoom)
Any pertinent notes & resources from Talitha
A Copy of the Chart(s) used during the session
FEE: Sliding Scale $150-$200
TO BOOK A FOLLOW-UP SESSION, EMAIL: MommaTAstrology@gmail.com